Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Another Wednesday Morning...

Okay I'm not sure I'm going to get use to this, Neely has been waking up earlier and earlier every day this week. Today it was 5:45. I'm so not going to get use to this! I've been trying to get up at 6am so that I can have some "me" time before they wake up and it worked most of last week. But she's not letting me this week. And to top it off her afternoon naps are getting shorter!!! YIKES! But the good thing is that she's going to bed A LOT easier now!

Yesterday potty training was pretty good, she had a couple of accidents, but NONE on my couches so that was AWESOME! We had to take Rylee to Karate yesterday and I asked Neely to go potty before we left, she couldn't. So we got there and I took her, still couldn't go. Then she asked to try while were there and still nothing. So I thought for sure she would go on the way home in her pull up. NOPE. We got home and she went right away! So proud!

So most of you know I've been applying to DTs and you know what...It's really really hard to keep caught up on all these MB's. Am I suppose to be active with each from the moment I apply until I get on the DT or do you not become a MB member until you get on the DT? I don't know the "rules". SO I'm trying and it's hard and I'm getting freaked out that that my ruin my chances! I hope not. So I'm just going to keep trying.

SO speaking of other MB's I was at Treasured Scrapbooking this morning and they have BLOG challenges. How cool is that! So here's today's...

List 5 things that you like to do other then scrapbooking...

1. Reading...which is funny b/c I use to HATE to read. Now I can't get enough. I love funny books and self help the best I think. I'm a nerd! LOL! I also really dig the Stephanie Plum novels, but I'm having a hard time getting caught up with those! Only on # 5. Right now I'm reading Scale Down and still trying to finish Encyclopedia of an Ordinary life.

2. Playing with my girls. Seeing the way they learn through playing is amazing! I love to see how excited they get when they become "Belle" while dressing up, or seeing Neely get super excited when we build her a house with legos. They crack me up!

3. Watching movies with Reed, what can I say I love hanging out with him.

4. Hanging out with my Nana. She's the most amazing woman I know and I LOVE just talking to her.

5. Watching TV. I just LOVE TV. Some would say too much, but it makes me happy. After a crazy day there's nothing like watching those crazy reality TV stars and all their drama!!!

So there it is! Until next time...


Kimmy said...

Girl dontcha know John Mayer is mine!!! He has longer hair now too! I saw him last night and swooned.

shannon said...

5:45... i would die!
good luck with the dts!

Unknown said...

Great list! Boy, 5 things other than scrap...I'd have to think about that! ;) I know what you mean about them getting up earlier! The sun gets up earlier, so they do, too!

It's Just me...Crazy "T" said...

Hey Breana,
This is T over at TTS.. so glad that you have joined us there and wanted to pop in and say hi.. thrilled that you tried out for our dt!!! can't wait to get to know you better..
as the owner of the site there I will answer your question in what I am looking for.. I look at the activity of the member trying out more than what they have in layouts etc to show me.. if you are active member then you will be an asset to our team as an active dt... hope that helps!!